The State is requiring daily employee screenings. However since no one is a daily visitor, we are only requiring you to fill out the questionnaire, prior to entering the building. By Friday morning there will be 2 temperature kiosks stations setup at the front engine bay door, and the side ems bay door.
It can be found by clicking on the shortcut below, from our homepage of the website, or your resource page on your I Am Responding APP. You must fill out a questionnaire each time you enter the building, even if you are just stopping by to grab something, however only one per day. This will be cross referenced with a daily report of all the door access points. Please be sure to to swipe in even if someone holds a door for you, or you enter thru an open bay door. We are not requiring the questionnaire to be filled out prior to emergency calls, but it must be filled out if you haven’t done one for that day yet. (After the call is over) If you are down for a crew/work night, you must fill out a questionnaire, unless you already did one for that day.
Link to questionnaire:
This is a State mandate and is required to be adhered to by all members and/or visitors (vendors, cleaners, mechanics, etc) and failure to comply will result in disciplinary action by the Executive Board of the Hopewell Fire Dept/EMU.
Paper copies of the questionnaire will be made available at each of the temperature kiosks and can be filed in the mailbox on the Chief’s Office door.